Monday, May 28, 2012

Two years

It's startling to think that it's been two years since I wrote that last post. It's disappointing to think that I've written so many thoughts in my head and never sat down to put them in print. Sometimes I was too busy. Sometimes I was too intimidated. Mostly I was living life as a dyslexia parent instead of writing about it. But now I think I need to write down so many of the things I've felt and learned - still feel and am still learning. Maybe I need to say it. Maybe someone needs to read it. Mostly I just want someone else to see it and say, "I know what you mean."

Dyslexia was the first learning difficulty to become a part of our family. Since that first post we have also begun coping with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), NVLD (Non Verbal Learning Disorder), and Anxiety. Don't worry, it sounds worse than it is. I might change the slant of this blog to address all of those areas. I hope that won't alienate anyone - remember, we're all parents regardless of which challenges may or may not apply to our children. While it's a lot to swallow I really want to do this - to say what I am so constantly thinking about and to hear the experiences of other parents. So potential readers, I look forward to meeting you and hope we can learn a lot from each other. I intend to set a better pace than one post every two years, but my new and improved blog isn't likely to be an overnight renovation. Please bear with me, I've got a lot to catch up on. 

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